Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Importance of Language Development in Your Child's Life

A lot of language development happens when children are preschool age. It is important for young children to practice and eventually master their native language for the following three reasons. Speaking and listening are foundational skills for when child start to read and write. Secondly, speaking and listening help to make children smarter. And, speaking and listening are academic, social, and life skills that are highly valued in school and their world. This blog will help to break down different acts and aspects of language. It will investigate the research that has been done with bilingual students. It will explore some different atypical development and how those students can be taught in a different way. Finally it will look into literacy and give you some helpful ways to help your child become a skilled reader. Throughout the pages on the right you will also find multiple ways that you as the parent can help your child at home since you are their first teacher!

A guide to this blog:

If you are looking for a specific topic you can just click on the titles to the right. 

You are also able to learn specifically about language by starting here:
Expressive, Receptive, Meta-Linguistic Acts of Language

Or if you would like to learn more information about diverse abilities and needs you can click here:
Children with atypical speech

If you would like to learn more about children learing more than one language you can start here:

If you are interested in knowing more information about reading click here:

If you would like to know more about writing pleace click here:

And here are some Frequently Asked Questions.

Resnick, L. B., Snow, C.E. (2009). Speaking and Listening for Preschool Through Third Grade. Washington D.C.: University of Pittsburgh and The National Center on Education and the Economy.

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